Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Children´s day compaign * Día del niño campaña solidaria inició una campaña para recolectar cosas para niños del norte de Salta ...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
We need you donation for Mosconi (salta) : books or toys
Necesitamos su donación para Mosconi (salta): libros o juguetes

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, July 21, 2008

Aerolíneas Argentinas for dummies

The lady President talks to the country in a national connection, just to annunce the agrement of incorporation of this airline again under administration of the State.
60 days of transition in order to check the transfer from Marsans spaniard group the 94,41% and prevent bankrupt of this company were mentioned. She remembered her first fly when she flew to meet her future family-in-law.
About number she said : 7.7 millones come from turism, Argentina has duplicated the income from turism industry in this year.
During her discourse she prioritizes the interest of the country and worker of this company.
Debt: 890 millon dollars,
workers: 8.500
The co. need inmediatly: 7 millons dollars,
Need spare parts for 60 millons dollars

Tango dancers: Javier Rodriguez y Geraldine Rojas

Bi polar??? a mí ...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A positive "NO"

Un "NO" positivo para la democracia de Argentina

argentinian Vice-president Julio Cobos (from Mendoza expelled form the opositor party: Unión cívica Radical) said last night NO to the proyect of withholding to grains exportations.

The historic tie in the senator´s chamber finish at 4.24 AM with his phrase "Voto en contra. Que la historia me juzgue"
The question are: is it the end of the farmer´s conflict?? is it the begining of real democracy in Argentina?? Did the argentinians learn to play democracy´s games?

Now a little humor ...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

North circuit in Salta

The north of Salta is an area of mountains covered by vegetation and big and deep rivers suitablew for the fishing of goldfish, surubies and hag. The people, who keep and cultivate their ancient customs, made of fishing and craft production their main way of living. It also an area of oil and gas explotations ( general Mosconi is the center) because the dense land hide an area rich in energetic resourcess that feed a big part of the country and export. And from "Yungas" ( a biome that it is widely protected in the argentinian nort, that together with jujenian yungas are called the reserves of the biosphere of yungas, declared by the UNESCO, there is the national park Baritú, one of the most virgin biomas of the country.

El norte de Salta, es una zona de montañas cubiertas de gran vegetación y caudalosos ríos aptos para la pesca de dorados, surubíes y bagres. Los pobladores quienes mantienen y cultivan sus costumbres ancestrales, hacen de la pesca y la producción artesanal su principal medio de subsistencia... también es la zona de las explotaciones petrolíferas y gasíferas (General Mosconi es el centro) pues este suelo tupido esconde un área rica en recursos energéticos que alimenta a gran paarte del país y se exporta. Las yungas son un bioma que está ampliamente protegido en el norte argentino y que junto a las yungas jujeñas se lo denomina como reserva de la biosfera de Yunga, declarada por la UNESCO, ahí está el parque nacional Baritú, uno de los biomas más virgenes del país.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008