Thursday, September 25, 2008

NYT and Bush in coditional mood

At U.N., Bush Reassures Leaders on Economy

By STEVEN LEE MYERS and GRAHAM BOWLEY Published: September 23, 2008

UNITED NATIONS — President Bush, making his eighth and last address to the United Nations General Assembly, sought to reassure world leaders that his administration was taking “bold steps” to staunch the economic crisis in the United States, which, he said, “would have a devastating effect on other economies around the world.” ( Tendría un efecto devastador en otras economías alrededor del mundo)

his administration would work with Congress to pass legislation to bail out financial firms. (trabajaría con el Congreso para pasar de apuros a las firmas financieras)

“Whatever disagreements our nations have had on Iraq, we should all welcome this progress towards stability and peace, and we should stand united in helping Iraq’s democracy succeed.” ( deberíamos dar la bienvenida a la estabilidad y paz, y deberíamos estar unidos en el apoyo del triunfo de la democracia de iraq)

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